My first approach to personal computers was in 1986, when I bought a Spectrum ZX 48K and my best friend, a Commodore 64. These machines were not only for gaming, but also introduced me to programming through BASIC and LOGO. Some years later, I bought an Amiga 500 and the magical world of BBS’s (Bulletin Board Systems) opened up. A 2400bps modem was our connector to GATE, AcroBase and other online communities of the 90’s.
I became a professional marketer. All these years programming was a hobby which became a passion. So, in 2005 I founded Netstudio. Firstly I was building static sites, then dynamic sites and online apps through Mambo, Joomla and CakePHP. In early 2011 we focused on Drupal and since then, Netstudio is one of the most significant Drupal agencies in Europe having contributed dozens of patches, modules, reviews and two Drupal Distributions. In 2019 we started building our own custom e-commerce platform allowing us to publish lightning speed websites with advanced CRM features and enterprise functionality.